Tag Archives: for real

Interesting American Cultural Observation (III)

26 Oct

There’s more to a language than an accent, there are cultural/colloquial terms that are used. I might have picked up some of these colloquial American English.

Terms A LOT of people use in their sentences:

  1. Totally. I totally love that shirt you’re wearing.
  2. Like. I don’t, like, get it. Like, what’s up with the word ‘like’
  3. Cool. That’s cool.
  4. Awesome.
  5. For real.

A: Justin Bieber got a new haircut.
B: for real?
A: yup, for real.

  1. That’s legit.

A: Justin Bieber got a new haircut.
B: seriously?
A: yup, it’s legit.

  1. Have a good one. I don’t know which one you are refering to, have a good day, a good meal, a good ride, a good class, just have a good something.
  2. Amazing.
  3. Dude/Man.

Sentences that make sense, but I don’t think I’ll ever use.

  1. You’re doing down.
  2. Ticks me off.
  3. Not unless I’m a cross-dresser.
  4. Make like a baby and head out of this mother.

Disclaimer: these are only observations based on personal experience. I am not trying to make anyone look bad or stupid.